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A New but Familiar Road

Hello Everyone! Thank you for taking a quick moment to check in with me here. I have been back from my incredible trip to Morocco for a couple of weeks now and to say that the trip changed my life and that I am beyond INSPIRED is definitely accurate. There are SO many things to fill you in on, but to try to keep it quick, I’ll just go over some changes and update you on a few things that are in the works for the Henna Gesserit.

So, What’s New??

First, as many of you are already aware, effective April 10, I have resigned my position with Empowered Healing. With a glorious henna-filled summer ahead, and so much to share and learn, and learn and share, it became clear that it was time for me to carve out some time for this glorious ancient art again! 

The universe seems to have accelerated my plan for moving and expanding my practice and I would like to send a huge THANK YOU to each of you who are along with me for the wild ride of these changes. I am *super* thrilled to show you what is in store and it is all happening so fast! I will still be keeping my massage hours as close as I can to my previous schedule. The main difference is that I will no longer be available for open booking on Sundays through the summer to accommodate upcoming henna events and some other fun new additions to my practice.  

Speaking of henna…

Henna classes will hopefully also be in the works! It’s been a long time since I’ve had the opportunity to teach henna to anyone and I have just experienced a treasure trove of henna culture in Morocco with Mektoub that I cannot wait to dive deeper into with you! I will have dates on these classes as soon as I am possibly able, so keep an eye out. 

… and something old and familiar…

Another fun class that i’ll be teaching *regularly* will be beginning bellydance! I’ve been working on dusting off my sorely unused moves with my friends at 9 Muses Studio for a few months now and I should have a finalized schedule for that by May! Some of you know that I’ve been itching to get back to teaching dance -and dancing in general- for a long time. Gotta say: it feels SO GOOD! I hope that you’ll be able to join me. 

And at Last- About Mektoub…

Let’s not forget about MOROCCO! I loved nearly every minute (let’s be real, international travel has its challenges), but like I said earlier - the experience in general was A LOT to take in. So I’m going to try my hand at breaking it down into this gorgeous little blog for all of you. I took a ton of pictures and ate incredible food and met incredible people and you just can’t put these types of things into a tweet or instagram caption! Besides… The amount of love and support that I’ve gotten from all of you to even take the trip has been wonderful and I’ve been overwhelmed with gratitude for it all since before it even started.

So for now

Won’t you please hop on over to the events page and put some of the upcoming dates on your calendar so that you can come to see me for a little henna love?! And if you’re a regular client looking to book your next session, text me for a booking link, or keep an eye out for updates on the website and Instagram in the next several days!

I’m really looking forward to seeing you!

